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Tianjin Tieyang Group construction activity - win in action, beyond the limit

更新时间:2021-10-16 10:25:00点击次数:1188次 来源:尊龙凯时物流集团 编辑:admin
Autumn is the best time to sweep the fallen leaves. The so-called autumn, although the weather with some cold, but fortunately the sun gave the sun, sprinkled on the face of each partner warm. Next, the exclusive fall team building activities began!

PK activities in the form of groups, two teams of four groups, after the brainstorming team members named "you said the team" and "ocean team", the slogan is: "customer first, said all right" and "ocean ocean, we are the strongest".

The first activity is group crosstalk. From "one frog, one mouth, two eyes, four legs, plop, jump into the water" to N frogs, each member of the group says a sentence to complete teamwork.

The coach told us that the secret of "frog cry" is to make good use of people's strengths to complete the team cooperation. Everyone uses their strengths to play different roles, which will make the team members more friendly and more wonderful to complete the team cooperation

The instructor shouted three random words: wind, rain, earthquake. When the wind blows, the squirrel finds a new tree to hide. When it rains, the tree actor finds another tree to combine. When the earthquake strikes, both the tree and the squirrel have to be changed. The activity tested everyone's quick thinking ability, and the squirrels who failed to find the tree hole received a light-hearted punishment.

Each group needs to complete five projects within 10 minutes, including catching the ball into the bottle, falling into the forest, huagu catching the ball, everyone passing the circle and patting.

The second activity in the afternoon is the most test of team spirit! Each team needs to find the partner with the strongest stretching ability to reach the water bottle beyond the red line, and the other team members need to protect the partner with the strongest stretching ability from falls and injuries. The girls in the third group did particularly well, getting their 17th bottle of water through the cooperation of their group mates.

Each group had different strategies and arranged the five projects in different order. Finally, they all completed the task excellently.

As the sun sets, this is the last activity: graffiti. The painting looks so good in the sunset. After the painting is finished, we take a group photo to complete the day's activities.

I believe that for all of you, this is not only a relaxing trip, but also a physical exercise, a harvest of sincere friendship, a strengthening of team cohesion and spirit of cooperation, but also a positive morale of everyone!

Neptune's Thoughts:

What impressed me most was the project of huagu catching ball. At the beginning of the practice, everyone felt that the game was very difficult, it was difficult to find the balance of hitting 8 times in a row, and even had the idea of giving up. However, it has been proved that as long as the team members are willing to keep trying, explore the right way and cooperate with each other, there is no problem that cannot be solved. To make the impossible possible is the most fulfilling thing after teamwork!

Just to Neptune a week I caught up with Neptune group construction, more than seven o 'clock in the morning came to the company near the bus, more than eight o 'clock arrived at the site, activities under the guidance of the coach carried out, our leader Brother wen said the most is "play, happy is the most important!" Regardless of who did it is not good, will be words of comfort to so, team building activities of a day, know more people, and everyone is very little contact with the tacit understanding, also increasingly feel Neptune logistics is a teamwork, also need everybody to everyone in the team to complete their own role, to build with Neptune this entire car.

The team was built in early autumn when it was a little cold. Although everyone was joking that "there is no autumn this year", the autumn 2021 without autumn has become so warm and interesting because of the team building of Dayang!

Happy to join Neptune! Look forward to more stories with Neptune in the future!




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